Kalops – Swedish beef stew


Kalops - Swedish beef stew
Kalops - Swedish beef stew
Allspice berries (or kryddpeppar in Swedish) gives this slow cook traditional Swedish beef stew its distinct flavour in this autumnal recipe. I think it is interesting to note, as an expat in London, that allspice is also used in many British stews.
Allspice is reminiscent of flavours such as cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg and is made from berries of the plant Pimenta Dioca.
When choosing your meat, choose beef on the bone for a rich and full-bodied stock. This stew is not about wine or cream, instead the meat, bones, vegetables and spices bring deeply satisfying flavours to the stew.
Serves: 6-8   

Prep: 30 min

Cook: 1 ½ hours – 3 hours depending on the cut of meat


2kg of beef on the bone. I used a cheap silverside cut, which is suitable for slow cooking. Traditionally, we use chuck or brisket, which require half the time. If you cannot find meat on the bone, use 1.2 – 1.4 kg.
4 onions
4 carrots
3 dried bay leaves or 6 fresh leaves
16 allspice peppercorns or 2 tsp ground allspice
Enough water to fully submerge the meat. Approximately 800 ml - 1 litre
Salt and pepper
Butter and oil for frying
Pickled beetroot including 3 tbsp of liquid
1 -2 tbsp soya sauce
2 tsp dark Dijon mustard, which is sweeter than normal Dijon
1-2 tbsp of cornflour mixed with a little water
Parsley to decorate (optional)


1. Chop the onions and carrots into medium chunks (3-4 cm). Fry the onion on medium heat in butter. Transfer to a deep casserole dish with a thick base.

2. Cut the meat into 4 cm pieces and season with salt and pepper. Save the bones. On high heat, sear the beef on all sides. Avoid crowding the pan by working in batches to ensure the meat sears and does not steam.

3. Add the meat and the bones to the onions and deglaze the frying pan with 100 ml of water, scraping and stirring to release the caramelized bits stuck to the bottom. Add the liquid with the bits to the casserole.

4. Add the allspice berries, or ground allspice and stir, followed by the bay leaves and water. Make sure the meat is completely submerged adding more water if necessary. Bring to a boil and then lower the heat right down to a gentle simmer. If you are using a cheap cut such as silverside, slow cook the stew for 3 hours or until the meat is deliciously tender. Chuck or brisket usually require 1 ½ hour.

5. Once the meat is tender, use a slotted spoon to lift out the meat and vegetables to rest temporarily on the side. This is because we want to work on the flavours and consistency of the stock separately.

6. Add the dissolved cornflour to the stock followed by the soya, mustard and pickled beetroot liquid. Season with salt and pepper and raise the heat. Depending on the amount of water used, reduce the stock down to about a half, which will also concentrate the flavours.

7. Once reduced, add back the meat and vegetables, heat it all up. Season with more salt and pepper if necessary.

8. Serve with boiled potatoes and pickled beetroot.

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